Main Group (RB Library)

Conducted monthly, the primary meeting of South Bay Creative Writers Group is held at the Redondo Beach Main Library (usually the 1st or 2nd Saturday of the month, from 10:30am to Noon). It is free and open to the public.

RSPV requested:

The Main Group is comprised of local writers with a workshop format in a friendly atmosphere. This is an opportunity to really interact – assisting each other with self-publishing, editing, marketing, beta readers, query letters and any topics relevant to writing and publishing. Attendees can make suggestions on how to make the workshops a continuing success. The meet-ups are led by Stanton Swafford, a local author with a debut novel about to be published.

Past meetings have included a self-published guest author (Christopher Lynch) and a round-table discussion on “Social Media Marketing for Independent Writers” featuring a pair of local authors.

Creative Writers Workshop

In addition to the monthly Main Group meeting, subgroups focused on supportive critique of members’ work are conducted on all remaining Saturdays, also from 10:30 to Noon). These are conducted at a private residence and require their own RSVP’s from the South Bay Creative Writers Group meet-up site.

“South Bay Screenwriters” is a separate meet-up (distinct from the South Bay Creative Writers Group) whose members share and provide feedback on each other’s screenplays. The format is similar to the Creative Writers Workshop. Conducted at a private residence and requires a separate RSVP.

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